Every year, St. Edmund’s Retreat hosts special events and community gatherings to help support and celebrate our ministries. To learn more, contact Katy Giffault at [email protected] or 860.536.0565.
Join us for a sumptuous French-style 5-course Gourmet Dinner on Enders Island. The highlight of the winter season, this fundraising dinner will be prepared by Father Tom and will take place in the Enders House on Friday, February 28, 2025 from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM; attire is formal. Tickets: $250 per person
Get Tickets Here In the event there is inclement weather the dinner will be rescheduled to a later date. Join us to enjoy fellowship, fine food, and support the mission of Enders Island.
Every Friday from March 7, 2025, to April 18, 2025, we invite you to join us for a recitation of the Stations of the Cross in the Chapel of Our Lady of the Assumption at 6:00 PM. Join us at one of two seatings for dinner to enjoy our fish and chips.
St. Edmund’s Retreat leans heavily on the talent and hard work of our volunteers. At our annual appreciation Volunteer Tea, the St. Richard of Chichester Award is presented to a volunteer for an outstanding contribution during the prior year. Become a volunteer, and enjoy getting to work with many wonderful new friends, in the tradition of St. Richard, who was St. Edmund's lifelong companion and secretary. Enjoy these photos from the Enders Island Volunteer Tea on April 21, 2024.
Holy Smoke, our premier annual event, takes place in an enormous tent on the Great Lawn of Enders Island, surrounded by breath-taking ocean views, blooming gardens and live music. The evening starts off with a cocktail party by the ocean, followed by a sumptuous meal, and an exciting auction. All proceeds benefit the support the Enders Island Recovery Community.
Don't miss out on this exclusive summer party for members of the Eddies, our distinctive Annual Membership Society that provides sustaining support for the programs and grounds of Enders Island. Enjoy these photos from the Eddies 2024 Summer Party.
Join us to celebrate Father Tom's Birthday! We will gather in the gardens of Enders Island to enjoy a summer evening that includes music, beverages, hors d'oeuvres, and fellowship. A donation of $73 is suggested to help the ministry he loves. We look forward to seeing you and sharing this special evening with you
This inspiring event celebrates people whose lives embody the virtues of humility and charity. The evening starts with Mass in the Our Lady of the Assumption Chapel on Enders Island, followed by a dinner at the Lake of Isles in North Stonington. Join us and help honor our amazing 2025 honorees.
Join Eddies and come to the annual Christmas Party! The Eddies are a group of friends and supporters of Enders Island who support our ministries through an annual membership. Part of the benefits of being an Eddie's member is that we all get together twice a year for a Christmas Party and a Summer Party.